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LoL11 years ago

Taiwan continues to dominate, while the Philippines grabs its first GPL Spring win

As both ISG and TPA grab wins, MLE and NFL go at it in a near 70 min brawl, making it the longest game in GPL Spring so far.

After a successful gank up top by NdD, BKT was winning the map early on. While windowlicka answered with a gank bot, the Titans soon were able to take over two-thirds of the map, as they kept pressure in both mid and bot lane, controlling dragon and taking towers. The rest was solely BBTY, as even with the first blood death, he was winning hard vs Shyvana, gaining a 40+ cs lead, and was sitll steadily rising.

Around the mid-late game, it was the croc who put the entire Insidious Gaming on his back, as even with a kill and objective deficit, ISG were still in the lead in gold. BBTY on his Renekton became a monster, as he was just breaking BKT's formation every teamfight, which resulted in the Taiwanese team to catch up with their top laner in gold and items. With superior teamfighting and a godly Renekton, ISG secured the victory after a rough start.

DDan had some nice ganks at bot lane, especially the first countergank on DinTer which made the TPA jungler give up first blood. SGS continued the pressure on the lane, taking dragon and continuously ganking with the stroong Solar Flare/Grand Skyfall/Mega Inferno Bomb combo. However, BenW was left alone with Achie all this time, and Renekton was bullying Shyvana hard in the lane.

While the Sentinels had a good combo going, the Assassins were beating them in rotations, catching their enemies off guard in the jungle. This translated to towers, and as SGS slowly lsot map control, TPA kept up the pressure in all lanes. After a sneaky baron and more ganks, with a second baron for good measure, TPA secures the lead in their group with a dominating win.

The first few fights made by both teams were messy, as Knut and Starfall were scrambling around the map, trying to get their lanes ahead. SofM as mid this time, his LeBlanc was not that impressive, as he kept getting caught, although he did keep ganking Yukz in the top lane during the laning phase. As the fights started to get into the Eagles' favor, their siege comp was looking to get an early win.

Unfortunately, terrible positioning and decision-making from both teams turned the game in to long, drawn-out war or attrition. NFL at one point, took over the game and were so close into destroying the nexus when the inhibitor respawned, this gave MLE the opportunity to bounce back. Desperate, NFL attempted to do baron, but the steal by Knut threw away NFL's chance to re-siege. Both teams hesitant, it was Full Louis who finally dropped the ball, giving away victory to the Manila Eagles, and the first win for the Philippines.