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LoL11 years ago

Cloud 9.EU Wins Scan EUW Invitational


In a convincing best of five, the newly sponsored Cloud 9.EU earned the high praise they have been receiving by taking down former SK Gaming mega-star Carlos “Ocelote” Rodriguez’s new team 3-1 to take top prize at the Scan EU West Invitational.

Throughout the tournament both teams were strong, with Cloud 9.EU taking down both the newly formed Reason Gaming and LCS veteran Meet Your Makers in 2-0 sets. On the other side of the bracket Lololol, the team formed by Ocelote and former TCM top-laner Jesper “Jwaow” Strandgren, had their fair share of success as well, taking down both of their opponents Gunwa and SuperTeam EU Kappa 2-0.


Game 1:

The early game quickly tilted in Cloud 9’s favour, with jungler k0u scoring several successful kills in all three lanes and pushing down several fast towers. With Odoamne constantly split-pushing top, the rest of Cloud 9 continued to seize map control and several Dragons, leading to a 5k gold lead heading into the mid-game. Jwaow’s Jax pick didn’t work out very well, and he was unable to dual Odoamne at any stage of the mid-game.

However, a poor team-fight engage by Cloud 9 around 30 minutes allowed Lololol to get right back into the game as Jwaow was able to rampage through the back-line of Cloud 9, securing several kills.

A sneaky Baron put Cloud 9 back into the upper hand, and a clutch catch onto Yuuki around 40 minutes allowed them to push down an inhibitor. One final push into the top of Lololol’s base secured the victory for Cloud 9.


Game 2:

Once again Jwaow picked his Jax, and this game it worked out much better for Lololol as he was able to push Odoamne out of lane constantly. Morden on Vi also did work, making several successful ganks onto the bottom lane which led to early Dragons in Lololol’s favor.

The kills and objectives continued to roll in for Ocelote and crew, and a fight around Dragon at 22 minutes put the game firmly under their control.

A fight near the Baron pit all but sealed it for Lololol, as Ocelote and Morden managed to explode Febiven in the blink of an eye leading to a 3-0 trade and a Baron for Lololol.

After several slow-pushes, Lololol smashed Cloud 9 and then the Nexus just short of 45 minutes into the game.


Game 3:

Clearly unhappy with his performance on Lee Sin in Game 2, k0u looked like a man possessed, using his Kha’Zix to secure several early kills and going 4-0-2 a mere 10 minutes into the game.

From such a powerful position, k0u was able to snowball all of Cloud 9’s lanes and take several Dragons, leading to a massive early gold lead. At 20 minutes, Cloud 9 led in terms of towers, kills and farm with Lololol seemingly unable to control any part of the map.

A brilliant Thresh hook by Voidle onto Jwaow near the Dragon pit led to a 4-1 trade for Cloud 9, and only a few short minutes later Lololol surrendered with their base in shambles.


Game 4:

Febiven was out of control. Here he ganks the bot-lane duo, picking up two kills.

Not to be outdone by his teammate, Febiven picked up Riven to counter Ocelote’s bold selection of Kassadin in the mid-lane. This decision proved costly for Lololol, as Febiven got off to a tremendous start and quickly snowballed out of control, killing Ocelote several times in the early stages of the game.

The dual lane of Voidle and Hjarman also proved their dominance as they bullied Dioud and Yuuki constantly. Smart rotations out of a fed Febiven and k0u secured several double kills on the bottom lane while Jwoaw, who despite winning his lane against Odoamne, could not turn his farm advantage into any successful kills or objectives.

From there a simple 4-1 split push strategy out of Cloud 9 forced a surrender vote from Lololol just after the 25 minute mark with the pressure of an incredibly strong Riven proving too much to handle. 


Banner Image Source: Dignitas 

Headline Image Source: Leaguepedia
