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LoL11 years ago

Curse secures the final spot in the 2014 Spring NA LCS


After a slow start, Curse escalated their play and pulled out a convincing 3-1 victory over COGnitive, securing them a spot in the Spring Split of 2014's LCS.

In Game 1, Curse felt the extreme contesting and want of being in the LCS from COGnitive.  Curse looked really out of shape in game 1, but COGnitive also played incredibly -- most noteably, their AD carry "nothinghere."  After constant slipping performances by Curse, they didn't manage to secure the first victory.

In Game 2, COGnitive would not maintain their momentum and Curse would turn the heat up, but with the burner starting on low.  The first 30 minutes were incredibly passive even by Season 4 passives, but Curse had a very slowly progressing power-creep as the game continued.  Curse found themselves taking eventual control over different parts of the map, not risking anything and letting it get to late game as their champions scaled slightly better than that of their opponents.  The end of game 2 would set the foundation of a career-earning win streak for Curse.

Game 3, Curse were able to pace themselves even better, overtaking the same map dominance but at a faster and more convincing pace.  Cop made an excellent show on his Draven, a very popular pick in today's games.  Cop's pressure was so high that he was able to commit to a base race in the late game against COGnitive, but Curse held off valiantly and Cop outplayed anyone who came for him.

In Game 4, the stakes were high but the hopes were low for our COG.  Unlike the familiar bouts of the other game, Curse took a convincing lead and never let it go.  With a swift victory to close out the Battle of the Atlantic and the North American promotion series, Curse convincingly showed that they deserved to stay in the LCS for another season, even off the back of a massive roster switch from last year.

LCS NA Teams for Spring 2014

United States Cloud 9
United States Counter Logic Gaming
United States Team Dignitas
United States Team SoloMid
United States XDG Gaming
United States Evil Geniuses
United States Team Coast
United States Curse Gaming

