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More drastic changes regarding S4 revealed

Misaya, the world famous mid-laner of team World Elite, shares more details regarding the upcoming changes in League of Legends, which will be introduced at the beginning of Season 4.

A couple of weeks ago, Riot gathered pro gamers from all over the world in California in order for them to test the season 4 changes. Since then, it has been revealed that the jungle is going to be hugely affected by adding an extra camp and increasing the gold rewards for junglers. In addition, Riot are trying to bring junglers and supports at even pace with the other laners by increasing their gold flow and potentially making them carries of a sort as well.

Today, Misaya, the mid-laner of the Chinese team World Elite, revealed more of the upcoming changes.

  • Minion spawn time changed to 1:00
  • Monster spawn time changed to 1:30

By spawning the minions 30 second earlier, Riot will reduce the time people have for level 1 invades, counter warding and early game tactics in general.

  • Outer towers (possibly all towers) gold distribution changed to Killer 250 and allies 75 each (150g each member before the patch).

By doing this, teams will be able to focus the gold income on a desired member (for instance AD-carry instead of the support).

  • New jungle item gives significantly increased gold income to the junglers (rumors mention 40% increase).
  • All kills within the first 4 minutes of the game will grant only 200g to the killer, while the assist gold is increased.
  • First blood within the first 4 minutes will award only 240g.

With these changes, Riot are likely aiming to prevent early snowballing in games. In addition, by reducing the gold from kills, while increasing the gold from jungling, the jungler is much more likely to stay in his own jungle and farm, instead of spending time ganking lanes.

  • Baron buff remade to increase tower killing damage by a large % and grand out-of- combat movement speed boost. The old HP regeneration and AD/AP bonuses part of the buff are removed.

This change is likely to result in more direct, brute force assaults on towers, instead of the old Poke, wait to regenerate HP, poke again tactic.

Last but not least, Misaya shares his impressions that:

  • Mid-laners will gain a bit advantage from masteries changes and that the mid-laners will have to focus on roaming a lot more. Which on itself means a rise in popularity of mobile champions.
  • The support player of the bottom lane will have a very big role as a type of a carry during the late phases of the game.


Source - Reddit

Source - LoL.GameBBS

Atanas "bloodyrose" PlachkovAtanas "Bloodyrose" Plachkov - Tourism Master Graduate in real life, gamer & nerd online. Curently playing LoL, HS and D3. Former WoW addict with a couple of world firsts in Ulduar with Inner Sanctum.