The unique-style AD Carry for the currently most successful North American team blogs on his path to becoming a professional player for League of Legends.
SneakyCastro plays AD Carry in a very unique fashion compared to other AD carries, utilizing support-like elements so that he can provide more utility for his team with less gold and allowing his solo lane to flourish. Having started from DotA, transitioning to HoN, and now playing LoL, Sneaky has had a plethora of MOBA titles to develop his finesse and continues to run unique and successful bottom lanes with LemonNation.
An excerpt of the write-up:
?After a while of playing I hit level 30, and was pretty intimidated by ranked. I only ever wanted to play when I was in the right mood for it. If I ever felt off I would just relax and play normal games. I slowly climbed up to 1900 rating for platinum right before the season ended, playing middle champions mainly, such as Cassiopeia, Brand, and Ahri. It was only until season 2 that I started spamming ranked queue as AD. I got rid of my fear of ranked and played all the way up to 2650 elo which was one of the highest at the time and from there I started getting into the competitive scene.