The final day of the second week of LPL kicked off with the team showing the strongest performance in the end of the spring split as well as the beginning of the current one. Nothing overly aggressive went down in the jungle, a rare site considering Lin started boots on Nunu. Elise was still able to secure her own blue and lanes appeared standard solo queue style with a 2v2 bottom lane and mid/top respectively. Both teams were very AP heavy in the jungle and in solo lanes.
We saw it yesterday and we're seeing it again today -- Many players have been picking strong laners such as Varus and Caitlyn to shut down Tristana. This game is no exception where Dragon and Cryboy tried to shut down San's Tristana early on, but San was far ahead in farm and also started the game off with a double kill, bringing that ultra destructive late game closer than ever. Shortly after, the kills calmed down and the pace of the game was much more calm.
OMG's bottom lane was relentless in their assaults.
Action would once again commence when Lin would commit to an ambitious dive bottom, bringing the hyper-carry Tristana even closer to her late game power only 10 minutes into the game. The situation was looking grim for YG as they hadn't taken a tower of their own yet and had the weaker late game composition by far. A fight in mid would net Young Glory a few kills, but when San came on his monstrous Tristana, their momentary celebration would soon come to an end.
An 8-0 Tristana was now trampling the battlefield, pushing turrets relentlessly with blood boil on and showing no mercy to their enemies. The variance between the gold on OMG and YG would only extend with all the lanes doing incredibly well, but still most noteworthy was a 14-2-2 Tristana about 24 minutes in where OMG took an uncontested baron. It didn't take long for OMG to roll over the opposition in a humiliating first win of the game.