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General8 years ago

Khaldor joins mYinsanity

"I am honored to be part of the mYinsanity family and am looking especially forward to what 2017 will bring"

Khaldor has been a long time presence in the Heroes of the Storm community, but has always notably been a solo act. However, with the anticipation for the 2017 HGC league growing and Heroes content becoming more and more popular, the esports veteran has finally found a home within Heroes of the Storm:

Judging by their official announcement, mYinsanity seems pretty thrilled at the pick-up:

Khaldor has been a long time member of the Esports industry, with an extensive list of experience and accolades spanning the last twelve years over multiple games such as Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2, DotA 2, FIFA, and Heroes of the Storm! He is currently working towards bringing content to fans of Heroes of the Storm through casting various online and offline events and creating videos for his YouTube channel.

Khaldor brings a large following with him and will help mYinsanity return to the Heroes scene with inherent relevancy. I'm old enough to remember a time where mYinsanity was a prominent force in the EU Heroes scene and there is no reason the organization can't make a comeback in 2017.

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