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General8 years ago

Alarak spotlight shows off his tricks

With all the changes coming to the Nexus, Alarak gets his own spotlight, showcasing his uniqueness.

Trait: Sadism
Alarak starts with 100% extra damage, called sadism, which he can trade off for utility as he levels up.

(Q) Discord Strike
After a small delay, Alarak thrusts forward his blades doing high damage and silencing anyone hit.  This is the first hero to have a silence on their main abilities.

(W) Telekinesis
Push yourself or enemies in a chosen direction.  This is the first hero to have free targeting, allowing you to manipulate the battlefield.  

(E) Lightning Surge
Release a blast of energy that does damage to all enemies in its path, and heals you for a percentage of the damage dealt.

(R) Deadly Charge
Go into a battle stance, charging forward when released, doing heavy damage and traveling farther the longer he charges.

(R) Counter-Strike
Once activated, Alarak enters a protected state, making him immune to damage.  If Alarak takes damage while protected, he sends out a shockwave to ALL enemies surrounding him, as well as in front of him.
Level 20
Alarak can select his other heroic at level 20, making him the only hero to have two heroic abilities available at once!

What stands out

  • Excellent use of Discord strike will separate average players from the pros.  You'll have to know your opponents well in order to disrupt their plans.
  • While every hero can make or dodge skill shots only Alarak can manipulate this balance with Telekinesis.  This is huge.  Push someone INTO a Jaina's Ring of Frost or a E.T.C. Mosh Pit.  Knock someone OUT of Chromie's Sand Blast or Nazeebo's Zombie Wall.  Even Push around a Sieged Hammer.
  • Lightning surge lets you poke pretty far, letting you heal up by poking.  Also, talenting into Lightning Surge lets you become more tanky.
  • Deadly charge gives Alarak crazy mobility options, as well as amazing chase down potential. 
  • In skilled hands, Counter-Strike can negate poke, making him an interesting counter to some comps.


I think the spotlight says it best:  His every action will present unanticipated advantages.

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