Christopher "Zuna" Buechter best known for his League of Legends career, but as an active Heroes of the Storm streamer and competitor, he may carving a new niche for himself. His outspoken manner and aggressive playstyle make for an entertaining stream, while his rapid fire in game analysis stands as some of the best strategic info currently on the web.
All of this (as well as his) public tier list) have earned him a growing HotS fan base and we at gosugamers had some quick questions to ask:
Hi Chris! Thank you for spending the time to chat for a bit. I appreciate it.
Glad to be on here I've been coming to site for years now and it's good to finally be on it.
So you made a name for your self with League of Legends, meaning I'm about to join the hundreds of other people who have already asked you this: do you plan on going back or is HotS becoming a more permanent fixture?
I haven't had fun playing League in a long time. Heroes will most likely be a permanent thing.
Your commentary while playing individual heros is very popular. Do you see yourself becoming an educational content creator in the future?
I don't see my self as a content creator. I may consider coaching in the future though.
You have been playing competitive hero with C9 but have decided to take a break recently. Is this to focus more on streaming or some other reason?
I feel like streaming is better for me at the moment. When the competitive scene starts to grow, I'll most likely come back.
Your Illidan games has inspired a lot of the more popular build and play styles, and last time I checked he was your favorite hero. What do you like about him, and what type of heroes are you looking forward to in the future?
Illidan is a very fun and rewarding hero. His playstyle takes high mechanics, since he plays borderline suicide. The two heroes I want to see are Kel'thuzad and Blademaster.
What does Abathur need to be balanced? After the nerfs he is one of the worst heroes but before them, he was beyond dominant.
I feel like his hero concept is broken. Theres no way to truly balance him, he's just either OP or he's not. I've played him once since the changes, and he still just feels so weak. His split push is so weak that even if a person isn't there to respond he can't take a keep or fort quickly at all so you will have to fight 4v5. With the way current maps are, it's just too hard to make him work.
"Illidan is a very fun and rewarding hero. His playstyle takes high mechanics, since he plays borderline suicide."
What mount do you usually role with?
Tiger or Magic Carpet. Very rarely Nexus Charger.
A Blizzard developer recently stated that the team is afraid of what the Lost Vikings will do to the game. Do you buy into the hype?
I don't think so. From what I saw from Blizzcon (and now that they're live) they aren't too amazing, but you never know!
Who do you think is the strongest HotS team at the moment?
Very hard to say at the moment without international play. The Chinese region is my favorite to watch at the moment though.
If you had to direct influence on the balance decisions in HotS, what are some of the first things you would change?
The two changes I wanted most was making Rewind a level 20 talent and cutting the damage on Gorge in half. Considering those two things already happened, I'd also remove the talents that a lot of the heroes share, like Gathering Power, Envenom, Bolt of the Storm, etc.
"With the way current maps are, it's just too hard to make Abathur work."
What is the worst and best team composition you can think of?
Worst is probably Murky, Gazlowe, Diablo, Sonya, Azmodan. Best would be something along the lines of Tassadar, Tychus, Stitches, and pretty much anything else.
And lastly, what is booty butt cheeks?
Booty butt cheeks is booty butt cheeks, what else would it be?
Any shoutouts before we sign off?
First off Thank you to Cloud 9. Along with Jack and Julian. As well as our sponsors,, HTC, BenQ, HyperX, Nvidia, Overwolf, Logitech, Alienware, Need for Seat and the ZAM network!
Follow Zuna on twitter here and check out his stream at
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