As one of the biggest features of highly anticpated technical alpha patch Anub'arak and Azmodan have been added to the available hero pool for Heroes of the Storm. Diablo and Warcraft fans rejoice as their favorite multi-limbed villains look and feel just as menancing as they did in their flagship titles, though being on the receiving end of punishing abilities is a lot less fun.
Anub'arak plays as a Tank, absorbing large ammounts of damage while stunning large groups of enemies and chasing down fleeing heroes. He is most effective in the very middle of a battle, as his beetle spawns can and will make fighting a nightmare for his enemies. The longer a fight goes, the more beetles Anub'arak will summon, creating a sense of inevitablity in small skirmishes.
- 65 ManaCooldown: 12 seconds
- Deals 220 (68 + 8 per level) damage. Stuns for 1.25 seconds.
Harden Carapace
- 35 ManaCooldown: 8 seconds Duration: 3 seconds
- Gain a 720 (150 + 30 per level) point shield.
Burrow Charge
- 65 ManaCooldown: 14 seconds
- Burrows to location, dealing 470 (128 + 18 per level) damage and briefly stunning enemies in a small area upon surfacing.
- Can reactivate the Ability to surface early.
Locust Swarm (Choose at level 10)
- 100 ManaCooldown: 100 seconds Duration: 8 seconds
- Deal 180 (28 + 8 per level) damage per second in an area around Anub'arak.
- Each enemy damaged heals Anub'arak for 50 (12 + 2 per level) health.
Web Blast (Choose at level 10)
- 70 ManaCooldown: 45 seconds
- Wraps target enemy Hero in a cocoon for 5 seconds.
- Enemies wrapped in the cocoon are unable to act and untargetable.
- Allies of the Hero can attack the cocoon to break it and free them early
Scarab Host (passive)
- Spawn a Beetle at Anub'arak's location whenever he casts a spell. Beetles last for 10 seconds, attacking nearby enemies for 16 damage.
Azmodan is quite the opposite, and is designed as more of a stationary seige hero. I personally have been killed more times than I can remember when I thought I had safely escaped a skirmish, only to have Azmodan fire a hail-mary esque fireball from an extremely long distance on top of my head.
His other strengths include his ability to instantly summon creeps to push a lane. In total, Azmodan as the potential to spec into 3 different abilities that summon various demons and grunts to fight for him, meaning that push strategies are very real.
Globe Of Annihilation
- 60 ManaCooldown: 8 seconds
- Shoot a globe of destruction, dealing 320 (73 + 13 per level) damage on impact. Long range.
Summon Demon Warrior
- 40 ManaCharge Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Spawn a Demon Warrior that marches toward a point. Warriors have 800 (230 + 30 per level) Health and attack for 80 (23 + 3 per level) damage. Last 10 seconds.
All Shall Burn
- Mana: 16 per secondCooldown: 6 seconds
- Channel a death beam on an enemy dealing 60 damage a second. The damage amount grows the longer it is channeled, to a maximum of 120 damage per second. Does 25% more damage to Structures.
Black Pool (Choose at level 10)
- 60 ManaCharge Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Create a pool that empowers Azmodan, his Demons, and allied Minions, increasing their attack and ability damage by 75%.
- Pools last 5 seconds.
Demonic Invasion (Choose at level 10)
- 100 ManaCooldown: 100 seconds
- Rain a small army of Demonic Grunts down on enemies, dealing 20 damage per impact.
- Demon Warriors deal 60 (22 + 2 per level) damage and will die from 4 attacks.
- Damage is doubled versus non-Heroic targets.
General of Hell
- TraitCooldown: 30 seconds
- Summon a General of Hell at an allied Mercenary, Minion, or Summon. The General will march with the target, granting 15% increased damage and 15%increased maximum Health to all nearby friendly Mercenaries, Minions, and Summons. Unlimited range.
Both of these hero's seem very powerful and increase the overal strategtic possiblities that Heroes of the Storm has to offer. As mentioned earlier, Azmodan makes push strategies a lot more powerful, where as Anub'arak's burrow charge excells at both ganking and large team fights.