GosuCup SEA is at its middle point. This is what the best players in the third edition used to reach the top four.
Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage and Tempo Warrior were the best performing decks this week, as ExonatoR took the championship over the Filipino trio of Caracute, WaningMoon and Winterchill. Interestingly, Shaman – an otherwise auto-include in most competitive line-ups – was scarce in the semi finals and was used only by our reigning champion.
There are a couple of decks worth checking out. ExonatoR played a teched Miracle Rogue with N’Zoth as alternative win-condition to revive those [card]tomb pillager[/card]s and [card]Xaril, Poisoned Mind[/card] that inevitably die during the game. Winterchill, on the other hand, had taken a page off of AKAWonder’s book and went for two C’Thun control decks on top of his Tempo Mage to finish behind WaningMoon in fourth place.
If you’re an APAC player, this is your chance to get featured on these pages, and even get interviewed! Register for Cup #4 coming this Saturday now.
1st place - ExonatoR
Tempo Warrior
N’Zoth Miracle
Aggro Shaman
Midrange Hunter
2nd place – Caracute
Midrange Hunter
Tempo Mage
Tempo Warrior
Top 4 – Winterchill