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Hearthstone11 years ago

NESL King of the Hill #5: Amaz stays king

National ESL's weekly king of the hill tournament just concluded its fifth run, with Amaz keeping his spot for the 2nd week in a row.

With an exciting 5-game series, only to follow up with a clean sweep. This week in the NESL King of the Hill Tournament pitted Alchemixt, who made an impression in the iHearthU KotH by going 4-0 with a Priest deck, against popular streamer Trump, who recently just participated in the SeatStory Cup 2014 alongside his LiquidValue teammates, their rivals DogeHouse, and Warcraft 3 Legend Lucifer. The winner of that bout will face the current ruler of NESL Hearthstone, Amaz.

In the first game, Alchemixt brought out a Handlock while Trump busted out his Druid. With the changes to Tinkmaster and Pagle, Handlock had a improved chance of winning, as one of the strong removals got nerfed to the ground. Unfortunately for him, The Mayor of Value Town was able to establish early board control with a Turn 1 Yeti, and from there just started dropping more minions and hitting Alchemixt's face. The Handlock dropped way too low in health for a good setup to occur, and Malfurion takes out Gul'dan. In game 2, Alchemixt brought out his shaman, hoping that the strong mid-game of Thrall will help him achieve victory. Again, that wasn't to be the case, as Trump just kept drawing the right answers and board threats that game, pressuring his opponent hard without any breathing room. After that loss, Alchemixt decided to stop with the fancy control tactics and go all-out. So Hunter it was. From there, Alchemixt just went on a rampage, taking out the Druid with ease. Trump attempted to fight fire with fire via Zoolock, but Rexxar was just a little bit faster. Finally, The Man with the Fan took out Shaman as his final deck, but the ferocity of Alchemixt's beasts were too much to handle. A 3-2 reversal, Alchemixt got the right to challenge Amaz for Kingship in what looked like an epic match.

Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case. The King went on a godlike spree, his Druid sending every enemy deck packing. Even the Face Hunter was no match, as Malfurion was able to set up taunts and take board control right from the get-go. A fast 3-0, Amaz successfully defends his title and will wait till next week to see who his next opponent will be.