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WoW19 years ago

[US] Server Transfers 6/15

[s]wow[/s]Blizzard opened realm-to-realm character transfers from select PvP realms to Cho'gall and Korgath on Monday, June 12 at 3:00 AM PDT. The destination realms currently have lower population than the chosen transfer realms, and should make a good home for those seeking to build a name for themselves on Azeroth. You can start the transfer Here through your account.

PvP realm Cho'gall - Deadline: Thursday, June 15 at 3:00 PM PDT
Players on these 3 realms will have the opportunity to transfer to the PvP realm Cho'gall:

Bleeding Hollow > Cho'gall
Mannoroth > Cho'gall
Skullcrusher > Cho'gall

PvP realm Korgath - Deadline: Thursday, June 15 at 3:00 PM PDT
Players on these 3 realms will have the opportunity to transfer to the PvP realm Korgath:

Shattered Hand > Korgath
Stormreaver > Korgath
Warsong > Korgath

The transfers are scheduled to close at 3:00 PM PDT on June 15. However, we urge any players who wish to transfer to do so at their earliest possible convenience, as transfers may be closed earlier than expected depending on volume. Please note that standard character creation will be disabled on the two destination realms until the transfer process has completed.

Also, as a reminder, our normal schedule for conducting character transfers between eligible realms is from 3:00 AM PDT to 3:00 PM PDT, Monday through Friday. That schedule will be in effect for as long as this upcoming transfer period remains active.

If you're interested in transferring your characters from the realms listed above to the new realms visit the link below.

Links - Transfers