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7 months ago

Monster Hunter Wilds: All confirmed weapons and changes

Image: Capcom

Here’s a list of all the weapon overview trailers Capcom has released for Monster Hunter Wilds.

Capcom has officially released overview trailers for every confirmed weapon returning in Monster Hunter Wilds, the first open-world game in the franchise. While all existing weapons have been confirmed to return in this entry, they're also getting a few changes to keep things fresh for Monster Hunter fans, and fall in line with the game’s new gameplay features like the Focus Mode.

As Monster Hunter fans know, picking the right weapon(s) is pivotal in this franchise. In case you’ve missed Capcom’s recent weapon overviews however, here’s a list of every confirmed weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Light Bowgun

Capcom describes the Light Bowgun as “a mid-range weapon that can fire various ammo types.” This weapon is essentially a highly mobile version of the Heavy Bowgun, making it suitable for players who need to make quick attacks and dodges. You can also use Rapid Fire energy to fire at enemies in quick succession, which is similar to the Heavy Bowgun’s Ignition mode. You can regenerate energy over time and when you successfully land hits. 

You can also craft different ammo types to allow the Light Bowgun to inflict status ailments and deal different types of damage. As a downside, this weapon will leave you unable to guard - so make use of those dodges. 

Sword & Shield

This is obvious, but I’m going to say it anyway: you can guard with this weapon, unlike the Light Bowgun. The Sword & Shield is a balanced weapon that allows players to dish out quick attacks with high mobility and some solid defense, thanks to a sturdy shield. Unlike other weapons on this list, you can use items or the Slinger while the Sword & Shield is drawn. 

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can now run while using items when this weapon is drawn, and you can use a new slide attack to get closer to enemies. 

Switch Axe

The Switch Axe is one of two transforming weapons in this franchise, featuring two different weapon modes. Axe Mode allows players to make long-range attacks, but Sword Mode increases their attack speed instead. You will have to switch between both modes constantly, as attacking in Axe Mode builds up a meter that allows players to attack in Sword Mode. In Sword Mode, another meter fills up to activate an Amped State. Upon activation, Amped State allows players to deal massive damage in Sword Mode. This weapon also has a powerful elemental discharge attack. 


A classic. This arrow-based ranged weapon can be charged up for increased damage, while also allowing players higher mobility on the battlefield. Monster Hunter Wilds introduces a rather interesting twist on this weapon, too: players can now fire a Tracer at enemies, after which their arrows will home in on the Tracer. Tracers can also explode after being dealt a certain amount of damage, or after enough time passes. If that sounds like auto-aim, that’s because it basically is! 


When hunting monsters, it’s important to prioritise your health and safety. Enter the Lance, the best defense weapon in the game with thrusting attacks that are quick and relatively safe to execute, considering players can also swiftly transition to blocking enemy attacks with a huge shield at any time. This weapon is great not only for blocking enemy attacks, but countering them too. 

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can now hit higher-up enemies with counters and use a new shield bash attack using the Lance. 

Dual Blades

Aayla Secura from Star Wars. Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan. Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. What do these characters all have in common? That’s right: they employ the use of Dual Blades to grant their enemies a swift defeat. This is the fastest weapon in the game, allowing confident players to get up close and personal with monsters and unleash a combo of rapid attacks. 

The Dual Blades come with two additional attack modes: Demon Mode, which boosts attack damage and Archdemon Mode, which boosts damage even further once a meter is filled in Demon Mode. Demon Mode has the downside of draining stamina, so bouncing between both modes and ensuring your stamina doesn’t run out is key to mastering this weapon. 

Great Sword

We’ve covered this weapon in a separate article, but the Great Sword doesn’t have a lot of changes in Monster Hunter Wilds. Focus Mode allows players to be more precise with their attacks, but the weapon remains a slow but powerful damage-dealer. The Great Sword rewards hit-and-run tactics and guarding, and its attacks can also be charged up to deal more damage. 

Heavy Bowgun

The Heavy Bowgun differs from the Light Bowgun by trading mobility for higher damage. This stand-and-deliver ranged weapon allows players to fire ammo at monsters from a distance, and it comes with an Auto-Guard function to fend off enemy attacks. Players can also expend energy in Ignition Mode to fire special ammo. This energy regenerates over time and when the weapon successfully lands hits. 

Insect Glaive

The Insect Glaive is an interesting weapon. This weapon allows players to unleash a flashy series of moves with high mobility, allowing them to use jumping attacks at will and fend off higher-up enemies. Players can also harvest extracts from monsters using the weapon’s Kinsect to grant powerful buffs like increased defense, movement speed and attack damage. 


Let’s say you want to use a Lance and a Bowgun at the same time. Enter the Gunlance, a weapon that grants players long range with their melee attacks, along with the ability to fire explosive shells. While attacking, they can use sidesteps to make small positioning adjustments on the battlefield, while guarding against powerful attacks using their massive shield. 

In Monster Hunter Wilds, this weapon borrows a few new moves from the Lance, such as a counter and charging attack.


Sometimes, you just want to smash things. This powerful but mobile weapon allows players to stun monsters when they’re hit on the head. Weaker monster attacks are no longer enough to stop the Hammer’s more powerful combos, and attacks can be charged for further damage. You can also move around while charging weapons, allowing you to evade potential attacks. 

Hunting Horn

This is another interesting weapon, giving Monster Hunter combat a Bard-like twist. The Hunting Horn is a musical instrument that also functions as a weapon akin to the Hammer, allowing players to play melodies that provide buffs for both themselves and their teammates. These songs can damage enemies, heal allies and protect players from status ailments. 

The Hunting Horn now has an Echo Bubbles ability, which creates an area that provides buffs for any player standing within it. 

Long Sword

The Long Sword is the Monster Hunter franchise’s most popular weapon, specialising in swift movements and combos. Players can also counter incoming attacks with good timing, and landing certain attacks will raise the level of their Spirit Gauge. The Spirit Gauge turns red and increases their weapon strength upon landing certain attacks.

Charge Blade

Another transforming weapon! The Charge Blade has a Sword Mode and an Axe Mode. In Sword Mode, players can move around the battlefield quickly and precisely while delivering faster attacks. In Axe Mode, their attack damage is increased at the cost of attack speed. Players can charge phials in Sword Mode to power up Axe Mode. Charged phials can also power up different aspects of the Charge Blade. 

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!