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Genshin Impact 4.8: Should you pull for Navia or Nilou?


8 months ago

Genshin Impact 4.8: Should you pull for Navia or Nilou?

Genshin Impact version 4.8 is here! Navia and Nilou are up for their banner reruns, so you may be wondering who to pull for.

Navia and Nilou are both amazing characters with powerful kits though they occupy separate niches within the meta, so it might be a good idea to sit back and think carefully if you need these characters or not. 

Here’s what you need to know!


Navia is a 5-star Geo DPS who packs a punch with her gunbrella and a battery of cannons. While Navia can shine best as a team’s Main DPS, she is also versatile enough to be a quickswap Sub DPS.

Her bread and butter is her skill, the Ceremonial Crystalshot. When a party member obtains an Elemental Shard created from the Crystallize reaction, Navia will gain 1 Crystal Shrapnel stack that can stack up to 6 times. Once full, Navia can fire her gunbrella to consume all stacks, firing multiple Rosula Shardshots that deal Geo DMG to opponents. 

You can simply tap the skill button to unleash her Rosula Shardshots, or hold to enter aiming mode. 

Navia’s burst, As the Sunlit Sky’s Singing Salute, will allow Navia to summon a Rosula Dorata Salute, which is a Geo bombardment in a wide area of effect. Geo cannon fire support will then occur afterwards for a duration of time.

Her burst will also net Navia Crystal Shrapnel stacks once every 2.4 seconds. 

Navia scales with both Attack and Crit, so she’s a bit harder to refine as you will need to grind for ideal Crit Ratios, but the struggle will be worth it once your enemies turn into ash. 

Navia is the perfect choice if you want to spice up your gameplay as her kit breathes fresh fresh life to the Geo element, which has been losing its steam in previous patches. And since Navia focuses on the Crystallize reaction, she can go well with any elemental team that can produce the effect. 


Nilou is a Hydro 5-star character who focuses on the Dendro-Hydro elemental reaction Bloom, which creates explosions after a short buildup period. What makes Nilou so strong in her niche though is that she can create more powerful Bloom explosions that explode instantly.

In this regard, Nilou is a great choice if you want to follow the current meta trend of Genshin Impact’s endgame content, the Spiral Abyss. Dendro and its many reactions have yet to step down from the top spot, so it’s good to invest in a character designed to work best with the element. 

Nilou is also very easy to build, as her damage output isn’t reliant on Crit stats, instead being based entirely on her Max HP. The downside to that though is how restrictive Nilou is in regards to her party composition, which requires only Dendro and Hydro characters for her kit to work. 

Nilou’s best feature is her skill, Dance of Haftkarsvar. When unleashed, she will enter the Pirouette state. The Pirouette State has 2 stances depending on whether you press the Normal Attack button or the Elemental Skill button after activating her skill.

If you press Nilou’s NA, she will go into the Sword Dance stance, which unleashes a Luminous Illusion that deals Hydro DMG to every enemy it touches and grants Nilou the Lunar Prayer Effect. This effect will convert Nilou’s NA to Sword Dance techniques, with her final attack being a Luminous Illusion. You cannot do charged attacks in this state. 

If you press Nilou’s Elemental Skill again, she will enter the Whirling Steps stance, which will unleash a Whirling Water Wheel that deals aoe Hydro DMG, as well as creating a Tranquility Aura that follows active characters around to apply the Wet effect on enemies within its area-of-effect. 

Nilou has the ability to cause Dendro Cores to explode immediately if she were the one to produce it, so you’ll need to be mindful of the self-DMG you get with Nilou. In this regard, it is ideal to place Nilou in a team that’s focused on both creating Dendro Cores and providing healing or shielding. 

Nilou and Navia feature in a dual banner for the first half of Genshin Impact 4.8.

Arianne "YanKu" BlancoFull time gamer, writer, and cat parent.