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Dota 25 years ago

OG Field Temporary Team For ESL One LA Online League

Title image courtesy of OG

OG to use standins for ESL ONE LA Online League

OG has announced that it will be using a slightly altered roster to compete in the ESL ONE LA Online League. With the current covid-19 situation many players are not in the regions their team will be playing in. This leaves the team with the option of playing on very high ping or looking to field a temporary roster. OG have chosen the latter.

Neta ‘33’ Shapira will be playing from the midlane for OG. Earlier today Alliance announced that they would be parting ways with Captain Adrian ‘fata’ Trinks and 33. Leaving them free to play with other teams during the league. The final standin for OG will be two time TI winner Sébastien ‘ceb’ Debs, he will play the offlane role.

ESL One Los Angeles started on the 28th of March and runs until the 19th of April, with the EU region starting on the 4th of April.