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Dota 2

7 years ago

Red Bull Gaming Sphere London events; chance to win ESL One Birmingham tickets

Red Bull has launched their new studio and is bringing some exciting events on location during the month, along with a chance for players and fans to win tickets to ESL One Birmingham. 

The Red Bull Gaming Sphere is the UK’s largest public esports studio and the upcoming events listed below are all open to the public with a limited number of spaces and entrants need to be over 16.




Purge Workshop - 13-18 April

Kevin ‘Purge’ Godec, renowned commentator and analyst at the International and Dota Majors, will be coming to the Red Bull Gaming Sphere to host coaching sessions for Dota teams and the public.

Players can sign up to take part here.

Dota 2 LAN Ladder - 14 April

Run with ESL, this is a 5v5 tournament featuring random teams consisting of pro players, influencers and members of the public. There will be new random teams selected for each round. Winners will get VIP tickets to the sold out ESL One Birmingham Major.

Players can sign up to take part here.

Play Against OG - 20 April

Top Dota 2 team Red Bull OG will be coming to the Red Bull Gaming Sphere, and fans can play against them. Players are invited to take on the multiple Major winners, and the first team to beat them on the day wins tickets to the ESL One Birmingham Major

Players can sign up to take part here.

ESL One Birmingham 

The event will be held at the Arena Birmingham, which holds a capacity of 15,800 and has previously played host for sporting events such as Badminton and the Indoor Athletics Championship in recent years. Twelve teams will attend the event with six being invited (MineskiEvil GeniusesVirtus.proNewbeeTeam Liquid and ViCi Gaming) and another six qualifying through the regional qualifiers as they compete for the lion's share of the $1,000,000 prize pool and 1500 Pro Circuit points. The event is scheduled to begin on the 23rd of May, spanning until the 27th. Tickets are sold out for the first Dota 2 Major in the United Kingdom. 

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2