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General19 years ago

EuroCup Day 3 results


A new week has come, and some new EuroCup results. Once again the GGL league brought us some nice games, enjoy the replay packs made by Ozmita !

Group A
Germany Breakdown>Sweden DaZe
» Replay Pack
Ukraine White-Ra>Russia Advokate

In this Death's group, Ukraine White-Ra and Poland Draco, who have won their matchs again this week, have taken a huge advantage.

Group B
Ukraine yAn>Sweden KaaZ
» Replay Pack
Czech Republic Dark_Calebvs.Norway StinGer
0-0 » To be played
Ukraine Strelok>Romania Shaman

Sweden KaaZ and Ukraine yAn, who had placed themselves as the 2 favourites, have fought to get the lead of this group. The Ukrainian Ukraine yAn thus got this temporary #1 slot.

Group C
Germany Mondragon>Poland Hullah
» Replay Pack
Spain Sukervs.Hungary Gorky
0-0 » To be played
Poland Spawnvs.Poland MysticJoey
0-0 » To be played
Germany Selectorvs.Norway Mireille
0-0 » To be played

Only one match played in this group, and Germany Mondragon confirms he is the best. Poland Hullah is now #2.

Group D
Netherlands Strafe>Germany Schnibl0r
» Replay Pack
France SarenS>Poland Suncow

Losing to France SarenS, Poland Suncow will have to win against the Russian Russia Ex, if he wants to get qualified. Both the Russian and the French now have a 3-0 record.

Inactive players such as Spain Suker, Poland MysticJoey, Norway StinGer and Poland ToT)Spawn( will have to play their matchs before the end of the week, else they will be considered as forfeits.

Links - Source - GosuBets and coverage - Previous newspost