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19 years ago

The Kickoff Final


The Kickoff tournament series final is here. 3 players from each of the 4 public tournaments, plus the 4 invited players will battle it out in a 16 man tournament for the prize.

razercopperhead_th.jpgThe kickoff tour started in January and each of the 4 public tournaments had close to a 100 players. The top 3 from each tournament have qualified for the final. It was initially announced that it would be a best of 3 tournament with losers brackets and a best of five final. Due to some time constraints and other difficulties we have decided not to have losers brackets however. First prize: the Razer Copperhead mouse.

The qualified players
Tour 1 Tour 2 Tour 3 Tour 4
Ukraine Play.Strelok Canada ToT)Testie(rS Poland mYm.SunCow Russia mYm.Advokate
Czech Republic ACT-Dark_Caleb Germany ESA.BrEaKdOwN United Kingdom ToT)MidiaN( Sweden ToT)DaZe(
Russia Potrax[S2] United States oG)Alexa Czech Republic CDS)BaB Ukraine uG-ALF-vc

The winner of tour number one will face the 3rd place finisher from tournament number four. The winner of the 2nd one, the 3rd place of the 3rd one and so on. Each of the runner-ups will have to face an invited player. This was done to make the finals of each tournament a little more appealing to win. The ones who are invited are: Sweden iG.KaaZ, Poland mYm.Draco, Norway mYm.StinGeR and finally Finland iG.Arcneon.

The Brackets
Play.Strelok vs uG-ALF-vc
ToT)Testie(rS vs CDS)BaB
ACT-Dark_Caleb vs iG.Arcneon
ESA.BrEaKdOwN vs mYm.StinGeR
mYm.SunCow vs oG)Alexa
mYm.Advokate vs Potrax[S2]
ToT)MidiaN( vs mYm.Draco
rS.Habit vs iG.KaaZ

The map pool and starting maps.
Round 1: Neo Forte
Round 2: Ride of Valkyries
Round 3: Enmity
Round 4: R-Point
Round 5: Gaia
Round 6: 815

There are only 4 rounds in this tournament, but Gaia and 815 are in the map pool as well. After the first game it's losers choice of map.

Friday 24th, 21:00 CET

The event will start this Friday and bets are being added. Good luck to all the players and thanks to everyone who has participated in the kickoff tours.

NOTE: as DaZe can't make it for the finals, Sweden rS.Habit will replace him.

GosuGamers - The initial news on the kickoff tours