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General19 years ago

oGaming; New Site & Interview


oGaming has been around for just about 5 years now. Created in 2001, oGaming is now an unstoppable force with the combination of their Korean gamers, and their foreigners. The team is led by oG)Freezer who tries his hardest to keep his members happy and in tip top shape to face whoever may oppose them.


Australia oG)Freezer
Canada oG)Dev_ca


Sweden oG)Zoxxer
Germany oG)Kentaro
Germany oG)Dinnin
Korea oG)Seaman
Korea oG)YooN
United States oG)AngelicFrost


United States oG)Alexa
United States oG)BlackJack
United States oG)Dragon
Turkey oG)Duke
Korea oG)Finepix
Peru oG)GreatMan
Korea oG)Jang
Korea oG)Jy
Korea oG)Leta
United States oG)MarCos
United States oG)Nis
Poland oG)Outsider
Canada oG)Paul
Poland oG)Predator
Sweden oG)StormtoSS
Canada oG)Zergraptor
Canada oG)Taurent
Canada oG)Pride
Germany oG)bOuNce

Featuring a new website made by Korea ToT)JeeYunee(, oGaming is looking better than ever. She did create their older site that was made in 2003, but it was time for a change, so they went ahead and made it.

Although they have not done well in their past clan wars facing ESA Lehnitz and MicroGamerZ the multinational team is still very strong. Their roster includes four Korean gamers, two of which are Semi-Professional. They also feature five North Americans, three of which are good female gamers. Also their newest member Germany oG)bOuNce (Mosaik[pG]), she is also another one of oGaming's female star members.

One of the American female members, United States oG)Dragon, has the task of managing oGaming's new shop. She is mainly in charge of putting new items on the market so that in time oGaming will make a small profit to benefit them. From there they will do who knows what with the money!

One of oGaming's oldest members, Canada oG)Paul, was recently stopped in his busy day to answer a few questions. oG)Paul can be seen running around as H_PauL_WII as he is most known under that name.

Q2: What got you into Starcraft and how long have you been playing this game for?

A: I started to play Starcraft sometime in the summer in 1998. I played KKND. It is an old game, maybe no one knows it, but it is a strategy game similar to Starcraft. My friends recommended me to play the game in internet cafe. That was first time I went to the Internet cafe and played Starcraft for the first time. The owner of Internet cafe suggested me to play Terran and he taught me lol. He was about 40 years old man. Maybe that's why my Terran is suck now. Anyway I played with my school friends 4:4. It was first game Blizzard tried making multiple player games ( It was unique to me because I could have fun with my friends.

Q3: Your brother Terry is also a very skilled gamer who also plays Zerg. Is there a big rivalry each time you play?

A: One year after I started Starcraft, when I was playing with my brother in Lost Temple, Protoss(Soda) vs me(Zerg). I made 63 Hatcheries he was base at 12 and I was at 6, and he had one expansion and I had all others. We played by modem by that time Internet was not developed. Anyway I called my brother to come to my room then showed how many hatcheries I had then he was shocked then he changed to Zerg. We practiced together a lot and we played for fun. No rivalry at all because we are Park brothers lol

oGaming has also promised a lot of new things for 2006, so that will be very interesting to see as this multinational team speeds into the future!

oGaming.Org - The New Webbie!
oGaming.Org - oG)Paul Interview