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General19 years ago

WWI06: The invited gamers *


By now you should all know about the event Blizzard is hosting in Seoul, South Korea in the beginning of February.

What you might not know yet is the names of the StarCraft players invited for the tournament. Blizzard has not released them yet, but that doesn't mean others have not. The Chinese site was the source of the leak. The format does not appear to have changed much since Blizzcon. 4 Koreans, 4 non-Koreans.

The invited players
China PJ
Germany FiSheYe
Taiwan SEn
Norway Liquid.Drone
South Korea Nal_Ra
South Korea Reach
South Korea Nada
South Korea Yellow

Many speculated in other names, but these are the final 8. The player missed by most is perhaps BoxeR. Hopefully there will be more news on this event shortly.

Update - Confirmed as the accurate list

Some details have been out that this would be a rumoured list of participants only. However, the list is accurate as confirmed by Blizzard Korean offices. Check the website for player presentations that will be up within days and a confirmation of the above stated.

Uzoo - Source
GosuGamers - Initial post about this event
Blizzard - Home of the event