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mouz NXT wins WePlay Academy League Season 1

Mouz NXT wins the grand final of the WePlay Academy League Season 1

Image credit: WePlay Holding

They won in a clean sweep against Young Ninjas

After a grueling battle in the Season 1 of the WePlay Academy League, mouz NXT has emerged as champions of the first ever league designed specifically for the academy teams. The team won against Young Ninjas with the former clearly controlling the match throughout the Grand Final.

Image credit: WePlay Holding

Young Ninjas came into the Grand Final with a double advantage – they have previously beaten mouz NXT in the Upper Bracket Final round and they have a 1-map advantage as the team coming from the upper bracket. Their journey to the finals was relatively smooth, as they managed to win against Fnatic Rising and mouz NXT with little problem. Even in their online stage journey, they are one of the three teams that was seeded straight to the LAN event.

As the Grand Final starts, it is evident that mouz NXT is showing how well intergrated their team is. In the first map – Mirage – the team dominated the match and easily trumped the Young Ninjas 16-2. The narrative of the match is the same for the next two maps, where they controlled the game without too much trouble. Young Ninja did try to give a valiant effort in being a good opponent in the second map, but they fell again while playing Nuke 16-11.

Unfortunately map three is where the other shoe dropped for Young Ninjas and mouz NXT won the map – Inferno – with a score of 16-9. With the win, mouz NXT grabbed the season 1 crown with a 3-1 point advantage.

The win gives the academy team from mousesports $45,000 prize money, a big sum for an academy team. The other three teams didn’t walk away empty handed however – Young Ninjas walked away with $20,000, Fnatic Rising got $15,000 and BIG academy grabbed $8,000 from the prize pool.

The WePlay Academy League’s aim to give exposure to younger teams in terms of LAN experience, league progression and also professional level competition management looks to be a success, and during a chat with the team at WePlay, they confirmed that they are planning to extend this to more seasons, as well as to more regions around the world.

In the meantime, do not forget to catch our interviews with the teams in Season 1, starting off with the interview with TuGuX from BIG Academy right HERE.

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu