Cloud9 have announced that Braxton 'swag' Pierce will be representing the organisation at the qualifiers for ESL One New York 2017 in place of Timothy 'autimatic' Ta.
Braxton 'swag' Pierce will be substituting Cloud9's Rifler, Timothy 'autimatic' Ta at the upcoming qualifiers for ESL One New York, with the former reported to be out of town for the event. The twenty year-old CS:GO prodigy is filling in for the second time this year, with the first being a performance at cs_summit, where he demonstrated some spectacular results, contributing to his team landing 4th place. Since then the young man went on to secure a victory at Fragadelphia 11 with North American side ownage, defeating Rise Nation in the process.
Since cs_summit dynamics have changed, as ESL reported that all bans prior to February 2015 would be lifted, allowing banned players to participate at ESL-sanctioned events. This now means that all former iBUYPOWER members that were implicated in the throwing scandal are now free to once more perform on an international level, with many industry professionals and fans rejoicing.
With Braxton 'swag' Pierce standing in for Cloud9, the team will sport the following roster at the qualifiers:
Jordan 'n0thing' Gilbert
Jake 'stewie2k' Yip
Tyler 'Skadoodle' Latham
Mike 'shroud' Grzesiek
Braxton 'swag' Pierce (stand-in)
Images courtesy of ESL & Cloud9 Twitter