One of the top clans shuts down. The loss of the organiser Kaiser to ToT was simply too much for Team MicroGamerZ.
MigroGamerZ will always be remembered as a special clan. It was through this clan countless of up and coming players walked. Although never having the big names in their clan they were able to compete on the highest level, with the likes of MYM and ToT. Much of this was credited to Kaiser, in him being able to catch up and coming strong players who would produce great results for the clan, although they had not made a big name for themselves. Many of these players would then be recruited by other clans. And so it went on.
For the community MgZ made sure there were always new players reaching the higher levels of competition. That is a great loss for us in the foreign Brood War scene.
Some time ago, MgZ)DetO confimed at that the team was shut down. "There's no MgZ without kaiser."
MgZ)Ryko explains: "activity/motivation are nearly 0 , bw dying anyway so investing more time in competing at this high level doesnt make any sense =/"
According to MgZ)RoC, MgZ is not dead but just in very bad shape. His own words:
"MgZ is in a recession, but it would be greatly exaggerated to say that we're dead. we are going to take part in the next wgtcl and icc clanleague.
Ryko, Me and TT1 are managing the team for the moment.
Links - Team MgZ