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17 years ago

WWI 2008: Stork victorious

The Dark Templars were too much. Sea lost two games within an hour on the main stage of WWI 2008.


WWI 2008
1. Korea Stork
2. Korea Sea)Shield
3. Korea sAviOr
Stork had the advantage of leading one bo3 for being from the winner brackets. But only two games were needed; Stork won them both. The first was a Dark Templar rush that Sea)Shield was unable to handle.

Second game was more of a powerup where Stork made a nice defensive move and managed to stop a vulture rush by placing two pylons in a narrow entrance. It went further on with Stork quickly macroing and expanding, managing to produce a large army. He went for fast arbiters as well and researched Statis field. When Stork was just about to finish the game, it seemed, Sea managed to EMP the arbiters and some 20 dragoons, forcing Stork to retreat. The next large battle would be just a few minutes after and at that point Stork was faster and successfully statis fielded some 10 tanks and managed to Split up Sea's army in two. Sea made some last attempts to counter while his main was being eaten up in the end, but then had to type GG and be satisfied with his second place in WWI 2008.

The matches were streamed and commentated by Tasteless and Manifesto7 who said that "replays will be released in a couple of weeks, but hopefully sooner than that".

World Wide Invitational
Winner Bracket Round 1
Korea sAviOr2-0 Poland MYM.Dreiven
Germany ToT)Mondragon(0-2 Korea Sea
Korea Siz)KaL2-1 China MYM.F91
Korea Stork2-0 United States eSTRO.IdrA
Loser Bracket Round 1
Poland MYM.Dreiven2-1 Germany ToT)Mondragon(
China MYM.F911-2 United States eSTRO.IdrA
Winner Bracket Round 2
Korea sAviOr2-0 Korea Sea
Korea SiZ)KaL1-2 Korea Stork
Loser Bracket Round 2
Korea Siz)KaL2-0 Poland MYM.Dreiven
United States eSTRO.IdrA0-2 Korea Sea
Winner Bracket Round 3
Korea sAviOr1-2 Korea Stork
Loser Bracket Round 3
Korea Siz)KaL0-2 Korea Sea
Loser Bracket Final
Korea sAviOr1-2 Korea Sea
Grand Final
Korea Sea0-2 Korea Stork