The screens went black
The MSL finals between Jaedong and Flash was played today, but in the middle of the third game everything went black and the game was gone.
It was the third game. The scores were even at 1-1, and it was a very exciting game on Odd Eye. Both players proved that just a small mistake can turn the game around. Jaedong seemed to have an advantage until Flash did an amazingly timed attack at the 1'o clock expansion, and the game seemed to be turning in Flash's favor.
Jaedong did however an amazing job staying alive and rescuing his expansion at 7'o clock with swarms and just a few ultralisks and zerglings preventing a massive army of marines and medics from getting to the expansion.
But before the Jaedong's fight for survival by the lower left expansion was settled the screens went black. Few seconds later the lights went back on and confusion hit everyone. The game was gone.
After discussions among the referees a controversial decision was made. Due to Flash not killing off any drones or doing any sort of harm to Jaedong's economy, and Jaedong managed to kill off some Vessels who would be important to kill the defilers and for irradiating the ultralisks, Jaedong was given the win.
The question is if he really had an advantage? Discussions has it that he didn't, and it was rather Flash that had the advantage of the game. A rematch could maybe have been a better decision.
Jaedong got a massage after the announcement of him winning the game, and got ready for the next game. We're still waiting for the next game to be played, it's currently 2-1 for Jaedong.
It is said that the game is being delayed because Flash's dad is being furious about the decision, and does not let his son continue to play the match.
He was later told by the referee to let the games go on, or else it would end in a forfeit loss for Flash.
As the fourth game begins the rumors are the power outage was due to a problem with the facility's heater.
The fourth game finished fast, mutalisks and zerglings settled the game, as well as the MSL title for Jaedong, though in a very tragic way for Flash. This series will be remembered.
In the post series interview, Jaedong told us how badly he had wanted to get his 5th league win and that he knew it would be an important day.
- "It doesn't feel real yet, but I'm happy. My team and coaches have devoted a lot of time to prepare me for this match. Thanks to my fans for supporting me too."
When Flash was given his turn for input he spoke briefly and calmly.
- "There were many fans here, and I feel I wasn't able to show my best today. I also want to congratulate Jaedong for winning today."
Despite the controversy, Flash handled the situation with poise and respect, proving to all of us that he may be beaten, but he is not broken.