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General15 years ago

GosuCup Finals: MaNa vs uZZZer

The finals of the GosuCup playoffs will be played today at 22:00 CET. MaNa is up against uZZZer, and he tells us that he feels quite confident.

MaNa defeated HanniGan and FallY on his way to the finals of the playoffs, and had a walkover in the second round.
- "I am happy that I made it so far", but explains that it was disappointing that he won on a walkover in the second round. MaNa told GosuGamers that he fears PvZ these days, but still thinks he can handle it.
- "I think uZZZer knows me better than I know him, which makes me have no idea what kind of tactics he'll use in our match".

uZZZer won his games vs Ptak (W.O), Avi-Love and LzGaMeR on his way to the finals.
See the full draw by clicking here, and make sure you don't miss out the finals tonight at 22:00 CET, which ofcourse will be streamed.

Place your bets now!

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