After a long hiatus the GosuGamer Weeklies return in full force. Today we kick off the long weekend of Overwatch action on the European Server.
64 Teams will battle it out today for a prizepool of at least $500 USD (which can be increased again by donating on Matcherino.com and using the coupon code "ggeu11" to donate a free dollar!) which has been kindly provided by our partners Matcherino, ROCCAT and OWKings.

Where to watch
If you want to follow the action you can do so on the following channels:
- GosuGamers with ZP and FishStix (English)
- Cirouss (German)
- Ingame (German)
- HappyZerG (Russian)
- TavernofHeroes (Russian)
- OGSeries (Spanish)
- GamersOriginOW (French)
In order to help you get a better understanding of the teams participating and help you figure out who to root for we created predictions for this time around.
Prediction: 1st
With the absence of the North American teams, EnVyUs should be the clear favorite going into the first weekly post release. The team has shown an incredible improvement in form ever since moving to the EnVyUs teamhouse in the United States and showcased near old levels of dominance in yesterdays King of the Watch where they clean sweeped REUNITED 4-0. That being said, since they will be playing cross region they might be at a bit of a disadvantage compared to other European teams. With Rogue and Creation not participating, it should be EnVy's tournament for the taking.
Prediction: 2nd
Out of the teams participating I would still give REUNITED the benefit of the doubt for taking a top two placement. However, they have looked incredibly shakey since release. Something just isn't working for them at the moment and it's really hard to pinpoint the exact reason from afar. After losing 7 maps straight to EnVyUs i just don't feel comfortable classing them as a favorite for this tournament. As it stands now, REUNITED are the best of the rest, but not good enough to challenge the top teams. That being said, I also wouldn't put it past REUNITED to surprise and take a win or even to have a complete meltdown and drop out of the tournament early.
Prediction: 3rd
Don't let their performances at the TakeTV TakeOver fool you: SG-1 is knocking at the door to the elite teams and is becomming a serious contender. Ever since they altered their lineup slightly and started putting in more consistent practice times they have become a scary team. Taking out REUNITED 2-1 in the Plays Launch Event showcased how good they can be on their day. For them it is just about finding that consistency in their performances. If they play to the best to their abilities they can challenge any team in the world.
Graviton Surge
Prediction 4th
Off the back of a strong showing at the TakeTV TakeOver Graviton Surge wants to prove that they are the real deal and can be considered as one of the strongest teams in Europe. A lot of pressure will lie on the shoulders of Skipjack and kr4tosdigga to show that their outstanding performances at the LAN haven't been a fluke, but rather break out performances. If they can continue where they stopped at the TakeOver they could be one of the dark horses for todays weekly.
Teams to look out for:
Northern Gaming Blue
Prediction: 5th-8th
The team formely known as Gringos has been on a slow and steady rise. They had a decent showing at the TakeOver Event and will be looking to build even further on that. I personally feel that they are one of the teams that is benefitting the most from the change to one hero limit, as they lacked a good second McCree but have a very dominant Widowmaker in Liddano. With Widowmaker being all that more important in one hero limit, they could even outdo themselves and sneak in a top 4 finish.
OWKings.com (Written by Broeder)
Prediction: 5th-8th
While other European teams participated at the TakeOver, the newly signed team OWKings managed to win the ESL Launch Cup, beating out nearly 400 other teams. Towards the end of closed Beta the team started showing a lot of progress with placing decently in online tournaments, but ultimatively falling short repeatedly to more established teams. With many European topteams skipping todays weekly OWKings could take a lot of teams by surprise and push for a good finish. That being said, the lack of a dominant Widowmaker might throw a wrench into the gears of the team in a one hero limit enviroment.
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