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General9 years ago

Valve issue cease and desist papers to twenty-three gambling websites


Following the Valve's crackdown on gambling websites, the company has issued cease and desist papers to twenty-three online skin gambling websites.

Valve have finally issued cease and desist papers to a total of twenty-three online skin gambling websites. The aforementioned websites are given 10 days to close shop, after which "Valve will pursue all available remedies including without limitation terminating your accounts."

This is unsurprising as Valve have mentioned recently that gambling websites have been abusing the OpenID API to their advantage, breaking rules under the Steam Subscriber Agreement. 

Below you will find a list of websites Valve have contacted, as well as a transcript of the cease and desist: 


Dear Sirs,

Re: Violations of Steam Subscriber Agreement

We are aware that you are operating one of the gambling sites listed below. You are using Steam Accounts to conduct this business. Your use of Steam is subject to the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement ("SSA"). Under the SSA Steam and Steam services are licensed for personal, non-commercial use only. Your commercial use of Steam accounts is unlicensed and in violation of the SSA. You should immediately cease and desist further use of your Steam accounts for any commercial purpose. If you fail to do this within ten (10) days Valve will pursue all available remedies including without limitation terminating your accounts.

Karl Quackenbush

General Counsel, Valve Corp.

*The original cease and desist may be found here.

The letters follow weeks of accusations, with lawsuits against top YouTubers in the works and twitter aflame with accusations and schadenfreude. The effect of the letters remains to be seen, but with Valve dropping the boot on the entire skin gambling culture it's obvious things cannot remain the same and revolution is coming for the world of CS:GO bettors.
