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General8 years ago

No reason for "doom and gloom": Tempo Storm's Championship roster disbands

With the World Championship just days away and the 2017 open season about to start, 5 of the world's best players are currently unsigned.

This tweet first broke the news of Tempo Storm's roster departing from the organization:

The organization then officially released this statement:

 We thank the Korean players, coach, and staff – Hide, dami, duckdeok, HongCoNo, Lockdown, OPrime, and Rally Jaffa – for their time spent with Tempo Storm. We wish all of them the best of luck with what they decide to do in the future, and hope to see them succeed with their new rosters, or with any other new plans they may pursue...

...Tempo Storm does not plan to exit the Heroes of the Storm scene as a result of this disbanding. Stay tuned for another announcement in the coming weeks to learn about what we plan on doing next.


So what does this mean? It's unlikely that Tempo Storm willingly let the roster go, as the previous Tempest roster is, without a doubt, one of the top 3 teams in the world. What other roster could Tempo Storm possible prefer? Not many. And, while it was exciting to see a NA organization back an all Korean Team, perhaps the disconnect and cultural differences were too vast to make the arrangement work.

So did the roster themselves decide to split? I personally think that is a lot more likely. Considering the prizes and potential cash flow that Blizzard is offering through their 2017 HGC open season, what is stopping them from sticking together and winning it all for themselves as an independent team? Their level of play and teamwork as Tempest was already top notch, and the organization and security that Tempo Storm provided may be unnecessary thanks to Blizzards influx of cash into the scene.

This marks the 2nd Heroes roster that has disbanded from Tempo Storm.

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