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General10 years ago

“Expect the Unexpected”: Blizzard reveals first Heroes expansion

Diablo support, an unkillable warrior, and more! Eternal Conflict details revealed!

Dustin Browder and Chris Sigaty dropped an information bomb at the PC Gaming Show tonight. Confirming not only Leoric and parts of his kit, but also the first Diablo support character, the Monk! Also announced were a few more mechanics about how the new map works, a handful of skins and a very sleak new trailer.

King Leoric was inspired by Dustin Browder’s mad scientist dream of creating a hero that “never dies”. His trait activates on death, and instead of respawning as normal, King Leoric enters a ghostly wraith form, allowing players to fully control him to effectively “haunt” his opponents, slowing their attacking speed and movement speed. 

What comes next is truly awesome: for every point of damage he “would” of dealt if he were alive, his death timer is reduced. Once his death timer reaches 0, rather than spawning at the nexus, he is resurrected at the current location of his wraith. 

Franky put, this is insane. At low levels, King Leoric essentially respawns immediately when he dies, creating an absolute monster on certain battlegrounds early on. In the words of Dustin Browder him self “Try to kill King Leoric early on? Tell me how that works out for you."

Then comes his heroics. Entomb quite literally unearths a tomb (equipped with gravestone) that traps all enemies caught in that. It’s similar to Tassadar’s Force Wall, only deadlier. It’s easy to see how this will be utterly devastating if allied heroes are able to follow up on the Entombed targets.

His second heroic familiar to everyone who has ever played Diablo 3: March of the Black King. King Leoric starts swinging wildly, and he is unstoppable while doing so. Dealing massive AoE damage (and life stealing with every swing), this heroic seems made for cleaning up near the end of a battle.

King Leoric's basic and heroic abilities:

Not many details were revealed about the Monk, however as usual, he will bring something unique to the table. The Monk will be the first hero that can choose between different traits at level 1, effectively changing his entire talent tree. The different traits will range from purely supportive to offensive, allowing the Monk to be built in multiple ways

But perhaps the most unexpected detail of all? The inclusion of the Diablo 3 Treasure goblin. Before the match starts, during the first 30 seconds, if a player manages to kill the goblin they will receive bonus gold at the end of the match. 

I can’t even comprehend the type of chaos this will bring, but it sounds insanely fun.

The full conference can be watched here if you missed it. Testing for the new map begins on June 23rd, and if all goes well, the map will be released on the 30th.

