At the very last moment in the week of the Kabal, Priests received what they've always wanted: a rock.
Ever since [card]Shrinkmeister[/card] left Priests to go hang out in Wild and even before that, Priest players wanted one thing above anything else: a good 2-drop. The infamous turn 2 hero power was not only an ongoing joke, but stood for everything the class was suffering from. Reality got even harder when [card]Purify[/card] was announced for the One Night in Karazhan expansion and caused an outrage within the community. In reply to the announcement of Purify, PC Gamer hosted a card-design competition, awarding 60 packs to whoever would create the best Priest card.
Now, however, Priests will finally receive what they've asked for. Revealed by Inven Global, Mana Geode is not only a nice, playable on-curve minion, it also fits in the combo-oriented playstyle of Priests. [card]Wild Pyromancer[/card], [card]Power Word: Shield[/card] and [card]Circle of Healing[/card]s make for a nice combo, allowing Priest to flood the board. This does mean, though, that the Mana Geode won't be played on turn 2. Whether or not that will matter remains to be seen, and partially depends on what cards Priest and the other classes still have coming to them from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.
Earlier this weekend a Neutral, epic minion was revealed by Firebat. On his YouTube channel the former world champion showed Burgly Bully, a dangerous minion against spell-heavy decks. Although no class would say no to free mana, the rude thief finds most synergy in Rogue and Druid. With [card]Gadgetzan Auctioneer[/card], [card]Edwin VanCleef[/card] and combo cards such as [card]SI:7 Agent[/card], Rogues have plenty of use for a 0-mana spell. They did already receive [card]Counterfeit Coin[/card] though, so Burgly Bully might have a hard time finding a spot.
Druids are also keen on mana, but rather for mana-acceleration. [card]Wild Growth[/card] and [card]Innervate[/card] are staple cards in nearly every Druid deck. Nevertheless, the Burgly Bully will find a hard time fitting in. [card]Druid of the Claw[/card], [card]Nourish[/card] and [card]Azure Drake[/card] already fill the 5-cost slot. It will most likely require the class to take a different approach to the game than it does now for Burgly Bully to join Malfurion's gang.
All other Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards can be found on our spoiler page!