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Hearthstone8 years ago

All 40 decks from the Blizzcon Top 8

The decks for the final stage are in, featuring a number of curious techs.

Blizzcon World Championship is resuming on Friday with the playoffs. with $250,000 waiting at the end of the road for the best player of the eight remaining. The final 40 decks have also been submitted and the race is ready to begin.

All players were allowed to re-submit their line-ups, given the option to fully change it if they so wish. While most stuck to their original line-up and made only slight tech choices, particularly teching in anti-weapon cards, some took this opportunity to go wild.

One such player is Edwin “HotMEOWTH” Cook who not only made tech changes to three of his decks, but swapped the other two completely. A major-first will be his [card]Blood warriors[/card] spell-heavy Warrior deck, which mixes the concept of Mage’s [card]echo of medivh[/card] with Warrior’s whirlwind mechanics. To make it work, HotMEOWTH not only plays the good old [card]grim patron[/card] but also double [card]arcane giant[/card] which can essentially come down for free, be wounded and immediately copied with [card]blood warriors[/card].

Fans of unorthodox decks will also be happy to know that the hero of the group stage Zhuo “Hamster” Wang is not giving up on his N’Zoth Priest and Anyfin Paladin and once again all nine classes will be represented at the World Championship.

All decks are available below, while full coverage of Blizzcon is available in our event coverage hub.


Russia PavelChina JasonZhouUnited States HotMEOWTHChina Hamster
Midrange ShamanMidrange ShamanMalygos DruidN'Zoth Priest
Malygos DruidMiracle RogueMidrange ShamanMidrange Shaman
Malygos MiracleZooTempo MageRamp Tokens
C'Thun WarriorMalygos DruidBlood WarriorsC'Thun Warrior
Tempo Mage
Dragon Warrior
Anyfin Paladin
Ukraine DrHippiCanada CydoniaKorea CheonsuUnited States Amnesiac
Midrange ShamanMidrange ShamanMalygos DruidMidrange Secrets
Tempo MageTempo MageDragon WarriorTempo Mage
Malygos DruidMidrange SecretsMidrange ShamanMalygos Druid
Dragon WarriorMalygos DruidZooMidrange Shaman
ZooN'Zoth WarriorTempo MageZoo