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Hearthstone8 years ago

Decklist spotlight: All decks from the ONOG PAX finals

The ONOG series celebrated the best North America has to offer and cultimated in its grand finals this last weekend. Here's what the players brought.

Karazhan might be out, but the times are changing just ever so slightly. Yogg Druid - now with a pinch of [card]Malygos[/card] on the side - and Aggro Shaman remain kings of the metagame. Curious, however, is the decrease in the numbers of Zoo down to just 50% of the participants. Once an undisputed king of the Warlock class, Zoo has now taken a small step back as RenoLocks come into the frey. A few line-ups are also completely Lock-less as decks such as Miracle Rogue and Tempo Mage are considered.

The same can be said for Dragon Warrior. The aggressive spec of Garrosh finds itself mixed in with its C'Thun and OTK cousins, making for a diverse archetype representation at ONOG. 

All 40 decks from the LAN finals can be seen below. For more decks from top players and streamers, make sure to check out our deck library.


FrozenAggro ShamanDragon WarriorYogg DruidHunterMiracle
ChakkiAggro ShamanDragon WarriorMiracleTempo MageYogg Druid
DuhcoddaYogg DruidTempo MageDragon WarriorAggro ShamanZoo
EversictionYogg DruidRenoLockMiracleCycle C'ThunN'Zoth Pala
ShoopTempo MageN'Zoth PalaDragon WarriorAggro ShamanZoo
DogN'Zoth PalaRenoLockRenoMageYogg DruidC'Thun Control
DartAggro ShamanZooCycle C'ThunYogg DruidTempo Mage
PhonetapZooTempo MageOTK WarriorYogg DruidAggro Shaman