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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: StanCifka's RenoHunter

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Different playstyle for Hunter offers new potential in the class.

Of all the variations of Hunter decks seen in Hearthstone, it is interesting to see a combination of the old god [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card] and [card]Reno Jackson[/card] in the same decklist. However, the power of this is not to be underestimated as we have seen this nearly make the cut into StanCifka’s Spring Prelim lineup, and under further inspection, the deck offers strengths that can otherwise be difficult for other archetypes of Hunter to achieve.

It is clear to see some of the insane potential this deck will have to offer as well as some of the endless combinations that [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card] and other cards will have in this list.

[deck linked]62081[/deck]

The playstyle of this deck consists of simply running through minions and spells to maintain board control. Not only does this allow more powerful combinations to emerge in the late game with cards such as [card]Emperor Thaurissan[/card] helping release these heavy turn combos more easily and the infamous [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card] himself which adds a huge potential to the deck.

Along with this, [card]Reno Jackson[/card] adds more stability, which deals specifically with aggressive decks and can help turn games around. It is also important to consider the spells included in this decklist like [card]Kill Command[/card] and [card]Quick Shot[/card] which can be combined with sources of spell damage like [card]Azure Drake[/card] to create more possibility for high amounts of damage to be inflicted.

The weakness to this deck aside from inconsistence is that it lacks a reliable win condition. Sadly, [card]Yogg-Saron, Hope's End[/card] does not offer any reliability to the deck, which means simpler combinations like [card]Call of the Wild[/card] along with [card]Emperor Thaurissan[/card] will help secure the late game and ultimately help players gain enough momentum to dominate the opponent.

This being said, this new form of Hunter allows more possibilities and seems like a huge amount of fun to implement into Hearthstone and may potentially see more play in constructed because of this.