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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: All decks from Tavern Tales top 8

Full PGL Tavern Tales Spring coverage hub: Interviews, coverage, results and more

Agression ran rampart this weekend at the $25,000 Tavern Tales Spring as newcomer xTrackyStyle took the gold. What did he and the other players from the top eight play, though?

It was three  days filled with Secrets Paladin, Zoo and Druid - as it was expected - but fortunately there was more to that. The occassional MalyLock and Freeze Mage spiced up the deck line-up to give something control players might enjoy. On the opposite side of the spectrum, TrackyStyle's incredibly aggressive Face Shaman / Aggrodin / Hunter is also something worthy of note.

All decks from the final day can be found below.

Netherlands ThijsNL: Secrets Paladin Zoo Control Warrior
Romania TraxkyStyle: Midrange HunterFace ShamanAggrodin
France Un33d: Zoo Control WarriorDruid
Czech Republic Scruffy: Druid Zoo Control Warrior
Sweden Powder: RenoLock Patrons Secrets Paladin
Romania Moody: Secrets PaladinZoo Druid
Poland Dziany: Druid • Face ShamanPatrons
Belgium Arneej: Secrets PaladinFreeze MageMalylock
