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Hearthstone9 years ago

Day one of Wombology #1 ends, quarter finals begin today at 16:00 CET

Photo: Benjamin Cotton / DreamHack 

Day 1 of Wombology #1 has just concluded with an exciting day of Hearthstone. Xixo, Zalae, Hoej and Firebat among those who advance to the next round. Most series went down to the wire with most matches ending with the full 5 games played.

Here are a few noteworthy deck mentions: firstly, there’s Strifecro’s Anyfin Paladin. He pulled off impressive wins against Orange’s Secret Paladin and Oil Rogue but finally lost to his Patron Warrior. Secondly, Lifecoach surprisingly brought (from what we can infer) a Dragon Warrior but that deck lost tamely to Purple’s Druid. However, his Reno Warlock carried him into the quarterfinals when it managed to gain clutch wins over Purple’s Tempo Mage and Control Warrior.

No one deemed Priest or Shaman worthy of being played. Hoej brought the only Hunter and there were a few Rogues and Mages. Otherwise, Warrior, Druid, Warlock and Paladin largely dominated day 1. Some surprises of the day could include Sjow’s loss to Ryzen and Dog’s defeat to Zalae.
