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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: Chakki’s world first decks for LoE wing #1 heroic

Keaton “Chakki” Gil returns with another trio of decks for speeding through the Temple of Orsis, the first wing in the League of Explorer’s adventure.

The first three bosses of the League of Explorers expansion are ready to be challenged and slain. Among many other players, Dignitas’ Chakki – who held speedrun records for parts of Blackrock Mountain as well – also embarked on this journey with the same goal: Be as fast as possible going through the initial encounters.

To overtake Zinaar, the wish-granting djinn and his card-drawing, mana-ramping ability, Chakki goes to the good old Zoolock, combining aggression with board control to chew threw the first boss. Coming into the Pherix fight, where player and AI wrestle over a rod of immunity, Chakki relies on a popular choice – a very defensive [card]Inner Fire[/card] / [card]Divine Spirit[/card] / [card]Deathlord[/card] Priest, equipped with a couple of [card]Silence[/card]s. Why ping-pong the rod, when you can eliminate its effect altogether?

The deck for the final encounter, the Temple Escape, is a Druid deck. Knowing his opponent doesn’t have a deck, Chakki utilizes hard removals such as [card]Naturalize[/card] and combos his double BGH with four Brewmasters to constantly snipe targets.

Heroic Zinaar: Zoo Warlock
Heroic Phaerix: Divine Spirit Priest
Heroic Temple Escape: Full defense Druid

What decks did you use to beat the first wing? Tell us in the comments.