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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: The top 13 decks of the end-of-season meta

Tempo Storm's "Meta Snapshot" delivers a useful list of decks of almost every class that you can use to climb the ladder.

Published on a regular basis, T/S' meta snapshot is not only an overview of the current state of the ladder but also a useful resource for netdeckers. Each week, the snapshot body of pro players collects more than 20 decks and tiers them according to their strength. 

Below, we've isolated all Tier 1 and Tier 2 decks according to the latest edition of the meta snapshot. Sorry Shaman players, but once again, you're not getting any love.

Tier 1: 

Patron Warrior
Midrange Druid
Secrets Paladin
Demon Handlock

Tier 2: 

Control Warrior
Tempo Mage
Freeze Mage
Mech Mage
Dragon Priest
Control Priest
Midrange Paladin
Midrange Hunter

To find more viable decks from ladder or tournaments, visit our deck library here. 
