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Hearthstone10 years ago

Relive the epic ATLC redemption match between Nihilum and Liquid [VODs inside]

If you missed the thrill of last night's do-or-die face-off between Nihilum and Team Liquid, catch-up on the VODs inside. 

You can find more Hearthstone VODs in our VOD library here. 

Romania RduVSUkraine NeireaWatch VOD
Romania RduVSFinland SavjzWatch VOD
Netherlands ThijsNLVSSweden SjowWatch VOD
Netherlands ThijsNLVSUkraine NeireaWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSUkraine NeireaWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSSweden SjowWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSFinland SavjzWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSFinland SavjzWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSUkraine NeireaWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSUkraine NeireaWatch VOD
Germany LifecoachVSSweden SjowWatch VOD