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Hearthstone10 years ago

StarLadder returns with $15,000 Hearthstone season, offline finals in Kiev

StarLadder are getting ready to give it another go at Hearthstone, returning this September with an increased prize pool and LAN finals.

StarLadder’s first dip in the Hearthstone sea happened this summer. Between mid June and early July, the tournament organizer known for their involvement in Dota 2 and CS:GO put almost $10,000 on the line and gathered the best players in Europe and NA through invites and open qualifiers. Ultimately, James “Firebat” Kostesich ran away with the lion’s share of the prize pool, taking a hard-fought 4-3 win over Aleksandr “Kolento” Malsh.

After a very short pause, StarLadder is ready to launch their second Hearthstone season, or rather their first official one. Like last time, 16 players will be featured, twelve from invites and four more through two closed online qualifiers, one for the CIS region and one international.

The online portion of the tournament will take the majority of September, spanning between 3rd and 25th. The online finals, to be held in Kiev, Ukraine, will happen three weeks later, October 16-18.

The player list for the main event seeds as well as the online qualifiers, the latter to be hosted on GosuGamers’ tournament platform, are to be announced soon.

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