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The Daily Ale: Your pint-sized source of Hearthstone news [Aug 17th]

The cool stuff from yesterday that you might've missed, all in one place.

THE GRAND TOURNAMENT – This week’s Brawl will feature some of the new TGT cards coming, presumably, next week. Brawlers will be dealt one of two decks – Medivh running Inspire minions and Alleria piloting a joust-centric deck. The TGT Brawl will last from Wednesday to Sunday with the hinted launch of The Grand Tournament happening right after, on August 24th.

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PODCAST – GosuGamers’ outspoken podcast “The Innervated” had its 15th episode streamed live last night. In the 100 on-air minutes, show’s hosts Nydra, TheChiv and Sumadin look back at six weeks of Archon Team League and discuss the winners, losers and the upsets of the regular season so far. In the main topic of the night, they go into a theorycrafting spree and discuss what will happen to the current metagame staples like Midrange Hunter, Freeze Mage, Handlock, Zoo and Patron Warrior after the launch of TGT.

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ARCHON TEAM LEAGUE – Brian Kibler posted his analysis on Value Town’s week 6 match against Team Liquid on his blog. The MtG legend goes over the six decklists the trio prepared and breaks down the match-ups they ended up playing. Kibler also points out that while he’s in the lead for the “Master of Duels” title, Tempo Storm’s George “Hyped” Maganzini is right behind him.

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COMMUNITY – The newest episode of Trump’s Teachings educational series features the slow and heavy ramp Druid. As usual, the Mayor goes over the decklist and its basic strategy and then queues into a couple of matches to show the build in action.

Come back tomorrow for another edition of "The Daily Ale".

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