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Hearthstone10 years ago

Datamined info points to Blackrock Mountain as possible new adventure

Ragnaros the Firelord might soon appear as more than just a playable card if community's speculations following a recent datamine become true.

Vigilant eyes have spotted something very interesting - a patch for build 8036 has appeared on the Blizzard download servers, containing information with more cardbacks... and what could very well be Hearthstone's next adventure expansion. With two of the card backs named "Ragnaros" and "Molten Core", the "brm" abbreviation can mean only one thing - Blackrock Mountain. 

The Blackrock Mountain is a legendary territory in the WarCraft lore. In World of WarCraft it was also the home to several raids, including Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. Monstrous creatures ruled their depths and some of them actually made it to Hearthstone as playable cards, including [card]Ragnaros the Firelord[/card] and [card]Baron Geddon[/card]. Others, however, like Nefarian, Lucifron and Shazzrah are yet to terrorize Blizzard's card game. If the datamined info is any indication, however, that might change soon enough.


purchase brm presale
ID 211
golden celebration cardback
ID 215

Card Backs

Molten Core
ID 18
ID 19
Golden Celebration
ID 20


This appears to be a developer card for internal testing.

AI Buddy - Blank Slate
Spawn into play to clear the entire board, both hands, both decks, all mana and all secrets.

While all this remains a speculation, it comes just in time for PAX East, which Blizzard will be attending between March 6-8. New content has been promised, and given the fact that Hearthstone as a game as well as its first expansion were announced exactly on PAX grounds, one could easily get hyped about a potential reveal.

If Blackrock Mountains is indeed to hit the shelfs, it will be the second adventure of Hearthstone. The first one - Curse of Naxxramas - was announced on April 11th and rolled out three months later on July 22nd. The adventure was released one wing at a time, spanning over five weeks of new content and was fully completed on August 19th.
