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Hearthstone10 years ago

Decklist spotlight: Frost Mages and control Rogues

ESL Legendary Series #6 ended with Hyerim "MagicAmy" Lee qualifying for the grand finals after beating team-mate George "Hyped" Maganzini. This is what they played.

One important thing to notice in current GvG meta is that Mages are coming back... yet not the mech mage that one would expect. It's very possible that this is a classic case of Tempo Storm deckbuilding but both Hyped and MagicAmy forfeited the aggro archetype and went for two different versions of Frost Mage. 

For MagicAmy, the choice lay in a more classic Frost Mage. The deck is all about controlling the board throughout the whole game until enough burn has been drawn, usually channeled after an [card]Alexstrasza[/card] or through [card]Archmage Antonidas[/card]. Draw and stall mechanics are the core of this deck, and any player attempting to master this should know how to play in the most efficient way possible.

Hyped, on the other hand - a known Mage innovator - chose a revamped Giants Mage. The playstyle is somewhat similar to Handlock - control the board, play defensive cards, draw a lot and then drop your [card]Twilight Drake[/card]s and [card]Molten Giant[/card]s. There are no [card]Mountain Giant[/card]s in the list as the 4-mana slot would be heavily contested, as the deck also runs two [card]Water Elemental[/card]s, a [card]Polymorph[/card] and the ubiquitous [card]Fireball[/card]s.

[deck linked style=float:left;]1077[/deck] [deck linked]1078[/deck]

Another very interesting deck is Hyped's control Rogue, originally designed by BlizzCon EU quarter finalist MrYagut. The deck has the low-end curve of a Miracle Rogue but this is where the similarities end. There isn't a single [card]Gadgetzan Auctioneer[/card] and instead the build relies on [card]Violet Teacher[/card] to populate the board and end-of-curve legendaries like [card]Dr Boom[/card], [card]Ragnaros the Firelord[/card] and [card]Trade Prince Gallywix[/card] to overpower its opponent.

Looks weird? Well, what did you expect from MrYagut?

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Finally, we have MagicAmy's most successful deck in the tournament, a Handlock with a small twist. MagicAmy has reduced the number of otherwise essential cards like [card]Ancient Watcher[/card], [card]Siphon Soul[/card] and [card]Defender of Argus[/card] and subs in a singleton [card]Zombie Chow[/card] and the mighty [card]Mal'Ganis[/card]. Immune Jaraxxus? Yes, please.

[deck linked]1075[/deck]

More competitive Hearthstone decks can be found in our deck section. 

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