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Dota 27 years ago

DDC replaces ayo in VGJ.Thunder

Veteran player Leong "ddc" Fat-meng has replaced Fan 'ayo' Tianyou in VGJ.Thunder

VGJ.Thunder announced the addition of long time and highly decorated Chinese star Leong "ddc" Fat-meng to their lineup. ddc will be taking the place of Fan 'ayo' Tianyou, who has been with the team since September, following the TI7 shuffle.

The Chinese support player was part of the LFY team since April 2017 taking 3rd place at TI7. He has a history of playing for both organizations Vici Gaming and LGD since his career in Dota 2 started in 2011 - starting just before he took 3rd place at TI2 with LGD. ddc is on a short list of players that have participated in ALL of Valve's International events - a feat shared only with Kuro "KuroKy" Salehi Takhasomi and  Clement "Puppey" Ivanov and has attended every Valve sponsored event except the Kiev Major. 

Under the guidance of Bai 'rOtK' Fan VGJ.Thunder has been looking formidable and the addition of ddc to the lineup is sure to bring the team to the next level. The support player will bring along his 45 DPC points bringing the team to rank 17, a slight drop in rankings for the player as LFY is at 13 after having taken 3rd place at Perfect World Masters.

VG J’s roster 

China Liu 'Sylar' Jiajun
China Liu 'Kamma' Chang 
China Zhou 'Yang' Haiyang
Macau Leong 'ddc' Fat-meng
China Pan 'Fade' Yi
China Bai 'rOtK' Fan (coach)

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2