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7 years ago

Chuan is back; Echo International makes first appearance

Photo courtesy of ESL

Wong "ChuaN" Hock Chuan returns to competitive play as Echo International makes their first appearance in the SEA regional qualifiers for DAC 2018.

A storied and tumultuous history with Dota 2 dating as far back as 2011 and DotA since 2009, legendary TI2 champion Wong "ChuaN" Hock Chuan makes another go at competitive play with his new team Echo International.

Essentially Echo International is the roster formed just as recently as January 5th as Team World but with ChuaN in place of Avery "SVG" Silverman - previous coach for Evil Geniuses. 

According to offlaner Lee "Forev" Sang-don the team is intending to play as part of the SEA region and have already taken their first steps, competing in DAC 2018 SEA regional qualifiers. The team fell in Round 32 to PG.Barrax, the Indonesian team that had taken a place on the main stage for Galaxy Battles but was playing with two standins in place of Greg "Keyser" Kallianiotis and Martin "Saksa" Sazdov, who presumably have not yet arrived in the region.

This assorted group of highly decorated veterans is sure to make some waves in an already stacked region and will be coached by Korean player who was out on military hiatus - Park "March" Tae-won.

Echo International Roster:

Greece Greg ‘Keyser’ Kallianiotis
Australia Anathan ‘Ana’ Pham
Korea Lee ‘Forev’ Sang-don
Macedonia Martin ‘Saksa’ Sazdov
Malaysia Wong ‘ChuaN’ Hock Chuan

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2