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Dota 27 years ago

Armel joins up with TnC, Kuku moves to captain role

Photo courtesy of EPICENTER

Paul “Armel” Tabios rounds out the new full Filipino TnC squad as Carlo “Kuku” Palad assumes the captain and position 5 role.

When Theeban "1437" Siva announced the parting of ways with TNC late last week, he stated the team was planning to become a full Filipino squad. Fulfilling that statement, local player Armel Paul "Armel" Tabios has been recruited to the team to round out the roster. With his joining, Carlo "Kuku" Palad will be moving into the Position 5 Support and Captain role for the team. Kuku was the captain for the team previously, before 1437 had joined their ranks.



Armel was just announced to be part of the new team created in the SEA - Team Admiral along with Jimmy "DeMoN" Ho, Marvin "Boombacs" Rushton, Ralph Richard "RR" Peñano and Kim "Gabbi" Villafuerte. With his quick and sudden departure, there has been no news on a replacement for him, with roster locks still open until February 5th. 

TnC will be heading to Bucharest Romania in March for the Bucharest Major. They will be competing in the DreamLeague Season 9 and EPICENTER XL Major regional qualifiers and is expected to participate in the DAC 2018 Major regional qualifiers coming up all in February.

TNC Roster:

Philippines Marc Polo 'Raven' Luis Fausto
Philippines Armel Paul 'Armel' Tabios
Philippines Sam 'Sam_H' Enojosa Hidalgo
Philippines Timothy 'Tims' Randrup
Philippines Carlo 'Kuku' Palad

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2