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Dota 29 years ago

A spark lights a fire: Ax.Mo kicked from Na'Vi, drama ensues

After their elimination from Starladder|i-League, it has been announced that Dmitry 'Ax.Mo' Morozov has been dropped from the Na'Vi roster.

Despite Na'Vi's efforts to turn around their continuous string of bad results, the team was still unable to hold against the other top European teams. The team concluded that "the players failed to adapt to each other’s style of execution and find common ground on some issues, including the drafting stage and team strategy", this led to Dmitry 'Ax.Mo' Morozov's removal. Considering the upcoming tournaments Na'Vi are participating in, the organization has said that their replacement off-laner will "be revealed very soon".

Statement regarding Ax.Mo's removal by Na'Vi's manager, Eugene 'ugin' Erofeev:

We are extremely thankful to Dima for being with us all this time. We are sure that he is a good player with a great future ahead, but, unfortunately, the guys have been unable to agree on certain points at this stage and decided that playing together wasn’t the best choice to make. We wish Dmitry the best of luck in his future gaming career.


The drama that ensues...

This removal comes after a controversial forum post on by Ax.Mo complaining about the poor drafting decisions made by Na'Vi's captain Ivan 'Artstyle' Antonov in their game against LGD at the recent Starladder|i-League finals; more specifically, the Anti-Mage into LGD's Disruptor in their round robin match.

It is not known whether the decision to remove Ax.Mo was partly due to the forum post, but the post and the roster change has caused quite a bit of drama in the Russian Dota community. There has been accusations of Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaev and Dmitrii 'Ditya-Ra' Minenkov being difficult to play with made by former Power Rangers player Kirill 'Sunlight' Kachinskiy and backed by Ax.Mo; SoNNeikO's accusation of being hard to play with was also backed by Ilya 'ALOHADANCE' Korobkin.

Meanwhile, Artur 'Goblak' Kostenko and Vitalii 'V1at' Volochai have spoken up about the issue but - to the current knowledge of Gosugamers - have yet to reveal or claim anything major. V1at claims that Na'Vi kicking Ax.Mo was the right decision after his Starladder|i-League post, and Goblak wrote that there is bad news for Na'Vi fans.

Regarding this issue, Ax.Mo promised to give his side of the story on a stream soon.

Source: Na'Vi, Twitters of: V1at, Sunlight, ALOHADANCE, Goblak
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