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Dota 29 years ago

Vega Squadron, the latest victims of the visa issue

Visa rejected for CeMaTheSlayer of Vega Squadron as the Frankfurt Major nears.

According to a tweet by the CIS giants Vega Squadron, they have become the new victims of the Visa issues as their captain Syoma’CemaTheSlayeRKrivulya was denied a visa to the Frankfurt Majors three days prior to the group stages.

Currently four players from Vega Squadron have departed to Frankfurt while CeMaTheSlayer and the CEO of Vega Squadron Alexey Kondako are still in Moscow waiting for the visa issues to be resolved.

This has been an on-going problem for several CIS teams and the Chinese teams. This issue has posed to be a huge threat that it goes to an extent where many players and teams miss out on huge tournaments.

Earlier this week LGD and CDEC Gaming had issues as few of their members had their visa rejected for the Frankfurt Major. At this moment all that can be done is hope that all of these players and teams are able to procure their visas on time and also hope that Valve can pull some strings and provide a solution to this problem in the long run.

Arvind "arvindl" LAn Ardent E-sports Enthusiast.