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10 years ago

SoNNeikO and Cema WILL be going to The International 5

Na'Vi has posted on their Facebook page that their support player, Akbar 'Sonneiko' Butaev and Vega Squadron's Syoma 'Cema' Krivulya have both successful received an US Visa.

It has been a tense week for both Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaev and Syoma 'Cema' Krivulya as they waited for news on their US visa application which has been rejected multiple times in the past. With the help of Valve and Senator Maria Cantwell, both players have finally managed to successfully received an US visa in time for The International 5.

In the post containing the announcement of the successful visa applications, both Na'vi and Vega expressed extreme joy and relief, the posts also specifically shouted out to Senator Maria Cantwell for helping both teams with their visas. As for the fans, they shared the same joy and relief as the players and organizations.

The process of acquiring the visa, in the words of Mark Averbukh (Person on the right in the picture):

"I think everything helped [to acquire the visa]: the senator, updated documents and, of course, Akbar's attitude. While sitting in the embassy we sorted out possible questions, corrected answers and just chatted to avoid nervousness. On the interview itself he [SoNNeikO] was asked only 2-3 questions with which he coped perfectly. 20 minutes later we heard the news – the visa has been approved! Being so happy we forgot to thank the consul, I hope she wasn't offended.
Thank you, everyone, who believed and supported Akbar and Natus Vincere!"

With the successful visa applications of both players, this year's visa issues facing The International is finally over. Both fans and Valve can now rest assured that all the teams that were originally qualified and invited for The International 5 will most probably be flying in on the scheduled 21st of July.

Source: Na'Vi Facebook

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